It has now been over a year since the Nintendo Switch was released and it is only becoming more popular every day. Currently, there are many kinds of Switch users out there, some like to keep their console docked at home while others like to play on the go. That is kind of the beauty of the Nintendo Switch because no other console gives you this kind of option.

Another Reason why the Nintendo Switch has been growing in popularity is that many third party publishers such as Ubisoft and EA have also supported the Nintendo Switch by releasing games for the console. This is something that was not present during the time of the Wii U and that is one of the reasons it was not the most successful console that Nintendo has released.
The Nintendo Switch is one of the most innovative pieces of hardware. The games that Nintendo releases have a very wide fan base and that is why people don’t mind buying the console even if they just want to play one or two games. The two main games that really gave the Nintendo Switch the boost it needed are Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. However, experts do argue that releasing two of their biggest titles in the early stage could be a costly mistake for Nintendo. Sports games like FIFA and NBA will certainly play an important part in boosting sales further. With such titles, the Nintendo Switch can compete with other consoles such as Xbox One and PS4.

Nintendo has released some very good consoles in the past and they are not exactly new to this hold business. However, there were some consoles like the Wii U that were not able to make a huge impact on the consumers. The Nintendo Switch was able to break that ice and really find a place inside the hearts of die hard fans. Another problem that previous Nintendo consoles such as the Wii U had was that it did not have a very big game library but that is not the case for the Nintendo Switch because there are a lot of third party developers who are releasing games for this system.